Advanced Ground Handling Service from Nagoya
Skyport Service Corporation (SPS) was established as a 100% subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and has started its ground handling services at Central Japan International Airport in Nagoya since November 2006.
On September 2010, International Air Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. (IACT) purchased 51% of SPS stocks and became the majority stockholder. MC remains 49% stockholder of SPS. The newborn SPS being tied up with IACT opened its Narita Airport Office at the same time.. On March 2014, SPS become as a 100% subsidiary of IACT in order to realize an increased efficiency of the management with speedy decision-makings, integration of management resources and etc.. On July 2014, SPS abolished its Narita Airport office as a part of the efficiency of the management, and unified its Passenger & Ramp handling services with the handling services of IACT at Narita International Airport.
Under the circumstance where Air Transportation Industry tends to contract a ground handling work to the third party, we pursue providing our customers with such indispensable services at fair prices giving a top priority to the safety, security, accuracy and on-time-performance. We trust our challenge contributes to the overall development of Air Transportation Industry.
Link: (IACT)